Articles and Essays

Denominations and Mission

by Robert Brow

Denominations and Mission

Every major religion such as Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, or Shinto, has the equivalent to what we call denominations.  Denominations are like a franchise that supports a local expression of a particular emphasis. The New Testament tells us that Jesus intended to build his Church (Matthew 16:18), and the Book of Acts and the Epistles describe various kind of local church activity and church planting.  But as churches have mushroomed in most countries of the world, thousands of denominations have emerged to serve and control them.  In addition to emphasizing points of doctrine, there are many models of how their leadership is structured. In the Books Section you might check out The Church: An Organic Picture of Its life and Mission  and Go Make Learners  The following articles use a model approach to explain or commend aspects of our church and mission.

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