by Robert Brow (bob@brow.on.ca)

The first jigsaw puzzle given to little children consists of six or seven coloured pieces. Very

quickly they learn to put these together to form the pattern. Similarly the world used to be

divided into pieces of religion.

Hinduism was in India, the Middle East was Muslim, Buddhism stretched from Tibet to Japan,

Russia was Marxist, Animism covered the remaining tribal areas, and the central piece was of

course Christian.

In the first thousand years missions were meant to convert the colour of a nation from Animism,

or any other religion, to Christian. This was successfully achieved all over Europe by the year

1000. After the Reformation the puzzle was complicated by colouring nations Anglican,

Lutheran, Reformed, or Roman.

It was Baptists who invented the variant of trying to persuade people to switch as individuals by

baptism into their denomination. Anglicans reversed this by forcing Wesley's followers to

become Methodists. Americans invented the patchwork quilt.

In the nineteenth century Evangelical missions decided that people of all religions and

denominations needed to make a decision for Christ and be born again. It was however very

difficult to count numbers for their supporters at home. Everybody knew that large numbers

made this decision in evangelistic campaigns but only a small proportion of them became

functioning Christians. The religious jigsaw puzzle now became a huge circle of all people of the

world, and somewhere within it there was a small circle that God only knew were truly saved.

Some missions still thought that until an individual had the guts to count the cost and be baptized

he or she should not be listed in the statistics.

If insufficient numbers were baptized as believers, Southern Baptists would recall the missionaries

or close down the field to concentrate on better results.

Meanwhile Muslim mosques, Hindu temples, and Buddhist centres are mushrooming in every city

of the so called Christian world. But in every denomination, except perhaps the Exclusive

Brethren, there are people who pray like Muslims, meditate like Hindus, and experiment with

every form of Buddhism and Taoism. And all over the world people attend mosques or Hindu

temples and pray to God as Father, learn from the Son of God, and ask the Holy Spirit for

wisdom and inspiration.

For the year 2,000 it is time to ask how God might see the confusion of our religious jigsaw.

And that requires a model shift to a vertical dimension.

Evangelicals need to work hard at developing a model that might make sense to our missionaries,

and eventually persuade their supporters to invest in.

I propose the following for discussion and correction.

1. Faith is not a decision to believe certain things and/or be baptized.

2. Faith is a direction of looking like Abraham (Romans 4).

3. There can be genuine looking to God together with ignorant explanation.

4. Christian mission is to correct people's explanation (Matt. 28:19).

5. Changing a person's religion is not part of our mission. It may follow later.

That means that our puzzle could divide the world into the United Nations.

In any nation we might be able to evaluate how well people have been taught all that Jesus

commanded. But there can be no statistics of how many people in any place daily look to God as

Father. Or how many daily look to the Son as Lord, Saviour, Friend, Healer, Head of the Church.

Nor do we know how many people look to the Holy Spirit for wisdom, inspiration, and

empowering to love. God alone knows that, but if we are willing to get alongside people and ask,

we can be wonderfully surprised. And the best question to begin the conversation is "Do you

ever find yourself saying thank-you to God?"

(Posted on the Canadian Evangelical Theological Association List, November 1998)

Bob Brow, 116 Rideau Street, Kingston, Ontario K7K 2Z9 Canada 613-542 9838
web: www.brow.on.ca

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