KURTZ, Stanley, "The Church of the Left," National Review, May 31, 2001.

by Robert Brow    (www.brow.on.ca)

The article begins : "Liberalism now functions for substantial numbers of its adherents as a religion: an encompassing worldview that answers the big questions about life, lends significance to our daily exertions, and provides a rationale for meaningful collective action."

Kurtz explains that "Liberalism allowed people of different religions perspectives to live peacefully and productively in the same society.

Designed to make the world safe for adherents of different faiths, liberalism itself was never supposed to be a faith. But that is exactly what liberalism has become. And this transformation of liberalism into a de facto religion explains a lot about what we call political correctness.'

What is the essence of the religion that Kurtz identifies? I like to analyze an individual's personal religion by asking three questions:

1. GOAL (summum bonum) "What would you attain if you had perfect success in what you are trying to do""

2. DIAGNOSIS (doctrine of sin) "What prevents you arriving at your goal?"

3. MEANS (way of salvation) "How do you propose to move from what is currently wrong to your goal?"

Having asked these questions the individual's personal reliion will fit into one of four possibilities which I have named.

Evidently the new Liberalism is neither Theistic or Monistic, and in contrast to personal goals in this life (Stoicism, Epicureanism, Existentialism) the religion of the new left is a SOCIAL STATE IN THIS LIFE.

This breaks down into three means for attaining that social goal in this life: HUMANISM (Western Bahai, John Dewey), REVOLUTION (Anarchism, Marxism), IMPERIALISM (Cultural Domination, Racial Domination).

Marxism was the religion of a previous generation with revolution as its prescribed means. But the new Liberalism is a form of Anarchism. The method is to oppose every kind of political or economic structure in the assurance that when all control has crumbled the world will be a happy place.

This explains Stanley Kurtz' point: "Once liberalism became a religion, the principles that made liberalism what it was - principles like free speech, reasoned debate, and judicial restraint in the face of democratic decision making - went by the wayside."

In the Roman empire Christians were threatened by the Imperialism of cultural domination. Christians have survived both the Nazi religion of Hitler and the Marxist religions of Stalin and Chairman Mao. African Christians are being decimated by the Racial Domination of other tribes.

Militant Hinduism is trying to force Christians back into Monism. And Islam would like us to submit to its vision. It is important for us to recognize the current religion of our day, as Kurtz has done so helpfully, but having named it we know that we can again survive and give our good news by the power of the Spirit (2 Corinthians 10:4).

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