Richards, Cliff (copy of a Charisma Magazine Review)

"Sir Cliff Richard, one of Britain's most enduring pop singers and best-known Christian celebrities, has topped the music charts with a religious song despite being virtually blacklisted by radio stations nationwide.

By going to the U.K.'s No. 1 spot, Richard's "Millennium Prayer"--the Lord's Prayer set to the music of "Auld Lang Syne"--not only has beat out the likes of the Backstreet Boys and confounded the critics, but it also could set an entertainment record. If it remains at the top until the New Year, he will have topped the charts in each of the last six decades.

The song was turned down by Richard's record company of more than 40 years--EMI--and then widely snubbed by disc jockeys--partly due to "ageism," the 59-year-old singer who was knighted by the Queen four years ago told the BBC. But with all proceeds going to children's charities, it has proved a big hit with the public."

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